How to turn a new country into your new home: a guide for international students on adapting to the labor market

Moving to a new country to study is an exciting adventure full of new opportunities and promises. This is not only a chance to enrich your academic experience, but also an opportunity to plunge into a new cultural and professional environment. However, the transition from a student to a workplace in a foreign country can be difficult and requires not only professional knowledge, but also a deep understanding of local cultural characteristics and labor standards.

Each country is unique in its requirements for qualifications and working standards, which can be a challenge for international students. It is important to study in advance which skills and qualifications are most in demand in the industry you are interested in. Many universities offer specialized courses and professional certifications that can significantly improve your chances of finding a job.

The style of communication at work can also vary significantly, depending on the cultural traditions of the country. International students need not only to master the local peculiarities of business etiquette, but also to be able to adapt to them. Participating in events such as professional networking meetings, seminars and corporate trainings will help you better understand the cultural environment and build valuable professional connections.

Proficiency in the language at a professional level is critically important for successful integration into the work environment. If you feel that your language level is not yet sufficient, actively learning and practicing the language in everyday life will help you feel more confident and communicate freely in a professional environment.

It is also important to know the specifics of local labor laws, especially if you plan to work during your studies. For example, in Kazakhstan, legislation limits working hours for international students to 20 hours per week, and officially you can only get a job at an educational institution. This requires special attention to choosing a place of work and understanding how these restrictions can affect your career and student life.

It is also very important to understand local labor and immigration laws. Understanding the rules for obtaining a work visa and work permit, as well as the specifics of taxation, will help you avoid legal problems and facilitate the adaptation process. Many universities offer free legal advice, which can be very useful.


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